
BioWound is an effective topical micro-spray treatment for wounds, ulcers and lesions on fish. BioWound is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal formulation.


 BioWound is an effective topical micro-spray treatment for wounds, ulcers and lesions on fish. BioWound is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal formulation. BioWound offers BioWound is applied directly onto the infected wound by micro-spray application which dries quickly so that the fish can be returned to the water as soon as possible. It is advisable to sedate larger fish using BioSleep so that the fish is more relaxed and less prone to injury when handling. Do not allow BioWound to run into the eyes and gills of the fish. Koi fish in particular are prone to lesions and ulcers due to a number of reasons. They could simply knock or scratch themselves against the sides of the pond or a parasite may open a point of entry and this becomes infected, causing an ulcer to develop. It is advised to treat a lesion at the beginning stages before it gets out of hand and scars the fish or leads to its demise. Storage Store below 25°C in a dry place out of direct sunlight.

Collections: Koi

Category: Koi, Pond Meds

Type: Medication