Evolution Aqua EVO UV Clarifier


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Professional ultraviolet clarifiers for ponds

Evolution Aqua's range of six evoUV pond clarifiers have been manufactured to deliver optimum performance at all times. evoUVs have been designed to clear green water which is caused by single celled green algae and prevent it from returning. evoUVs will work alongside many different filtration systems but when used alongside Evolution Aqua’s pond filtration systems, the evoUV will deliver crystal clear and healthy pond water.

110 Watt UV

The Evolution Aqua evo110 is designed differently to the other models in the range, as the two 55 Watt bulbs run in parallel throughout a fully robust white PVC casing with connections ready to fit to 2 inch pipe. This design means the evo110 UV meets the needs of both domestic and commericial installers looking for great reliability and an efficient, economical performance.
Installing the evoUV

Install evoUV before the filter on the pipework run from the pond

Install evoUV after the filter on the return to pond pipework run.

How the evoUV works
The Evolution Aqua evoUV deliver a more efficient and more economical performance than before. The range includes completely redesigned 30 Watt and 55 Watt models, a new 15 Watt and 25 Watt model perfect for use on the smaller garden pond, along with a 75 Watt version and a 110 Watt model.
The Evolution Aqua range of evoUV pond clarifiers have been manufactured to deliver optimum performance at all times.

evoUVs have been designed to clear green water which is caused by single celled green algae and prevent it from returning. evoUVs will work alongside many different filtration systems but when used alongside Evolution Aqua’s pond filtration systems, the evoUV will deliver crystal clear and healthy pond water.
Frequently asked questions
What does and ultra violet clarifier do?
UV Clarifiers clear green water which is caused by single celled green algae and prevent it from returning

Where do I install the UVC?
Usually the UVC will be the first piece of equipment after the circulation pump. On a pump fed filtration system this means the UVC will be installed before the pond filter, and on a gravity fed filter after the circulation pump that returns the water to the pond.

What is the length of the power cable?
The length of the power cable for UK models is 2.2metres.

How often do I need to replace the lamp?
We recommend changing the lamp at the beginning of each year.

What fittings are required to plumb the evoUV in?
The 15,25,30,55 and 75watt models come supplied with 1.5" hosetails, you can also hard plumb using 1.5" BSP male fittings. You can find these fittings at the following links
If you are plumbing to black pipe from a plumbers you will need adapters which you can find here
The 110watt professional UV has no fittings supplied. It requires 2" solvent weld pressure pipe which can adjusted to suit your personnel requirements.

Do the units come with bulbs?
Yes, bulbs and quartz sleeves are included in the box when you purchase an evoUV. 

Are the bulbs and quartz sleeves pre-fitted?
No, we encourage the user to gain experience in fitting the UV bulb and quartz sleeve, as they will need to do it every year in the future when they replace old bulbs with new. There are fitting instructions included in the user manual.

Are UV rays harmful?
Yes, never look at a lit bulb as it can damage eyes and skin. To check if a bulb is lit up, view the closed unit at night. UV protective fittings will glow in the dark, indicating that the bulb is connected properly, and working.

What is a quartz sleeve?
It’s a tube that looks like it’s made of glass, which separates the pond water running through the unit, from the bulb. It’s very delicate, like glass, and should be handled with extreme care. Quartz sleeves should be cleaned regularly to ensure that the UV rays can shine through it, and do their job on the pond water. A dirty quartz sleeve will negatively affect performance. If a quartz is cracked or chipped, it must be replaced.

Why is there no plug?
evoUV adheres to UK pond equipment laws, and requires that it is wired into a safe, compliant, outdoor electrical system, ideally with an RCD cut-off. If you are unsure, consult a qualified electrician.

My green water isn’t clearing. Why?
Check that bulb is connected properly, and that the unit is wired in correctly, and on. UV should be on for 24 hours per day. Consult the recommended flow rates on the packaging. If water flow through the unit is too great, the contact time with the UV rays may not be long enough. Slow down flow with a controllable pond pump, or a ball valve. Check the pond volume calculation to enure that you have the right size of unit. If unsure, always go bigger. Check the age of the bulb. A UV bulb needs to be at its most effective from March until September in the UK. Install a new bulb every March. Always combine UVC with effective mechanical filtration, to remove debris which would otherwise shade the bulb, and to capture dead and damaged green algae cells after they’ve been exposed to the UV.

What replacement bulbs should I buy?
Evolution Aqua distribute and recommend Osram, a world leader in UVC technology. Obtain these from an authorised Evolution Aqua dealer.

Are EvoUVs suitable for saltwater?
Yes, all The evoUV clarifiers are suitable for saltwater, the Aquarium UV Sterilizer is made specifically for marine aquariums and is available in 15 and 25watt versions with additional fittings for connection to typical aquarium circulation pumps, however if you require a larger unit all the pond clarifiers are suitable for saltwater

Collections: Marine, Tropical

Category: Marine, Tropical, Uv's

Type: Unknown Type