MarinePure Block


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MarinePure is hands down the BEST biological filter media on the market, and with their long lifespan, are definitely worth the pricetag. Their immense surface area to volume ratio is what makes this product so desirable.

MarinePure Block

  • Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate Removal
  • Primarily designed to provide deep anaerobic zones for de-nitrification in passive systems.
  • Live rock substitute-popular among reef hobbyists as a substitute for live rock because it reduces nitrates more efficiently without harming the environment.
  • It will not introduce pests (like Aiptasia, Majanoìs or predatory crabs) into your tank
  • Better value due to higher performance
  • Reduced tank maintenance
  • Allows for higher fish loads
  • Uses a smaller filtration footprint
  • More consistent water chemistry
  • Easy to shape
  • Chemically inert and will not harm aquarium inhabitants
  • Can be used in marine tanks, freshwater tanks and ponds
  • Use in sumps, stacked in extra-large filters.

MarinePure's bio-media is the most technically advanced bio-media available today because it features Thin Bio-Film Technology™

Bio-Film Technology is the combination of vast surface area and open/interconnected pores allowing a thin bio-film to develop. This thin film allows bacteria to flourish because necessary nutrients are immediately available. With the open pores, old dead bio-film is easily flushed from the media and will not plug the media. Water flows through the media, not around as with other denser media, thus utilizing the most surface area for beneficial bacterial growth.

Compare MarinePure Products

Surface area
MarinePure Sphere: 22 sq metres (240 sq ft)
MarinePure Plate: 540 sq metres (5,750 sq ft)
MarinePure Block: 2 150 sq metres (23,000 sq ft)

Collections: Marine, Tropical

Category: Filtration Media, Marine, Tropical

Type: Unknown Type