Epic Aquatics Ranunculus inundates


Ranunculus inundates -The river buttercup from Australia, Ranunculus inundatus, is also sold with the label “Ranunculus papulentus”. It is a true eye-catcher with its unique palmate fresh green leaves and its creeping growth habit. To live up to its full potential, this Ranunculus needs lots of light to prevent it from forming too long leaf stalks. Ranunculus inundatus can also be cultivated as bog plant in shallow water or wet soil. Under good conditions it will form its small yellow flowers then.

Just like fish, living plants do best when they are kept in an aquarium that best suits their needs. Selecting live plants that share common water conditions will minimize problems and make it easier for you to maintain and keep your aquarium in tip top shape. We want your plant to thrive and become a favorite part of your tank. Do research before purchasing and be sure to choose plants that are suitable for your aquarium so you will get the most out of your new addition.


Category: Aquarium Plants

Type: Unknown Type