ADA Echinodorus tenellus (Labelled as Helanthium tenellum) IC076


Small foreground plants for aquariums are in short supply, but Helanthium tenellum (= Echinodorus tenellus) is one of the best. The submerged leaves are very narrow and light-, middle-, olive-green to reddish. It differs from the always light green Helanthium tenellum “parvulum” by darker, often reddish coloration and narrower leaves. The runners spread round the aquarium. A true “lawn” effect appr. 5-10 cm tall is only achieved at high light intensities, so you must make sure larger plants do not overshadow the plant. Plant individual plants a couple of centimetres apart (easiest with tweezers). A nutritious bottom promotes growth

Collections: Terrariums, Tropical

Category: livestock, Tropical

Type: Unknown Type