Bolbitis heudelotii


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Bolbitis comes from West Africa, a fern with beautiful, transparent green leaves, 15-40 cm tall and wide. When planting, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot, and it is best to plant Bolbitis heudelotii on a root or stone. Keep the plant in position with fishing line until it has gained a hold. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome. Supply of CO2 will considerably enhance the growth, which is only optimal in soft, slightly acidic water.

The African water fern is a beautiful, time-tested aquatic fern with transparent bottle green feathered leaves. It is a popular plant in aquascaping, where it is mainly used for decorating the hardscape (rocks and driftwood). It is especially nice in Nature Aquaria, but also highly decorative in every standard planted tank. Bolbitis heudelotii attaches itself to objects but will also grow on the substate. Just make sure you do not cover the rhizome as it might otherwise rot away. Growth is sped up a lot by the addition of CO2 and fertilisation in the water. Bolbitis heudelotii develops best in soft, slightly acidic water, however, it is a relatively undemanding plant and will also grow in medium-hard water. Easy to propagate: Simply cut the creeping rhizome. Tolerates hard pruning.

Collections: Livestock

Category: livestock

Type: Unknown Type