Instant Baby Brine Shrimp

Ocean Nutrition

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“Improved shelf life of 4-6 weeks after opening!”

Once again, Ocean Nutrition is leading the innovation wave by introducing a revolutionary food concept: Instant Baby Brine Shrimp.

Baby Brine Shrimp (nauplii of Artemia salina) are widely used in the aquarium hobby as food during the first stages of many delicate fishes and as food for many invertebrates.

Until today, there has been little or no progress in the use of Baby Brine Shrimp in the hobby. The whole process of hatching the brine shrimp cysts at home is cumbersome, noisy, and messy. More often than not, not everybody in the household is pleased with the setup. Also, for reasons typically due to sub-optimal storage and handling of the cysts, many of the hatching results are often extremely low. The hatching takes 24 hours and it can be a problem to match this timing with the moment the fry need their first meal.

This is all over now. Ocean Nutrition has developed the Instant Brine Shrimp, a revolutionary product that allows you to use Brine Shrimp when and where you need them. The product consists entirely of sterile newborn nauplii in a water solution. Nothing else has been added, no preservatives or colorants. The product is natural, as if you would have hatched the Brine Shrimp yourself.

The product can be kept and stored at room temperature for many years, as long as the container is not opened. Once open, the product needs to be kept cool in the refrigerator and can be kept for up to 7 days, like the Baby Brine Shrimp you would have hatched yourself. The packaging of the product has a metal cover clearly showing whether or not the product has been opened, to avoid any surprise. It contains a net weight of over 20g (0.7 oz.) drain weight, or in excess of 1.5 million nauplii.


Collections: Marine, Tropical

Category: Live Food, Marine, Tropical

Type: Food