R 9,300.00
Sand filters are used as a step in the water treatment process of water purification. UltraZap sand filters are made with woven fibreglass and are...
View full product detailsR 3,100.00
Bio filtration is a chamber containing living bacteria to capture and biologically degrade nitrogens in ponds. Bio filtration is required to break down ammonia into...
View full product detailsR 17,850.00
Bead filters are closed (pressure) vessels filled with thousands of plastic beads. These beads are very close together and form a layer through which the...
View full product detailsR 9,740.00
Sand filters are used as a step in the water treatment process of water purification. UltraZap sand filters are made with woven fibreglass and are...
View full product detailsR 3,700.00
Bio filtration is a chamber containing living bacteria to capture and biologically degrade nitrogens in ponds. Bio filtration is required to break down ammonia into...
View full product detailsR 10,185.00
Sand filters are used as a step in the water treatment process of water purification. UltraZap sand filters are made with woven fibreglass and are...
View full product detailsR 13,725.00
Sand filters are used as a step in the water treatment process of water purification. UltraZap sand filters are made with woven fibreglass and are...
View full product detailsR 2,630.00
Bio filtration is a chamber containing living bacteria to capture and biologically degrade nitrogens in ponds. Bio filtration is required to break down ammonia into...
View full product detailsR 460.00
Bio Balls are used for biological filtration. The main advantage of bio balls over other biological media is that the surfaces are impossible to clog...
View full product detailsR 1,650.00
UltraZap pressure Bio Filter for 5 litre media (media included) Require 75 bio balls (black brick type) For 2500 litre ponds with normal fish population...
View full product detailsR 1,180.00
UltraZap pressure Bio Filter for 5 litre media (media not included) Require 75 bio balls (black brick type) For 2500 litre ponds with normal fish...
View full product detailsR 27,400.00
Turnkey Combo Box for your Koi Pond or Fish Tank - 15W UV Clarifier, 2 Bag Sand Filter (excluding sand), 25L BioFilter, including Bioballs and...
View full product detailsR 5,700.00
Bio filtration is a chamber containing living bacteria to capture and biologically degrade nitrogens in ponds. Bio filtration is required to break down ammonia into...
View full product detailsR 3,350.00
Bio filtration is a chamber containing living bacteria to capture and biologically degrade nitrogens in ponds. Bio filtration is required to break down ammonia into...
View full product detailsR 999.00
Hand-pump Vaccums offer an easy solution to suck up solids such as fish faeces and uneaten food from the bottom of ponds or fish tanks....
View full product detailsR 4,300.00
The KoiMedicPro is the koi hobbyist and professional's must have tool! It measures Salinity, pH and temperature at one go. The KoiMedicPro is rugged and...
View full product detailsR 2,650.00
Trans Instruments has specially designed the Koi Medic Sal Meter to measure the delicate salt concentration in the pond. The Model we list measures in...
View full product detailsR 3,565.00
Feed your fish consistently, and safely, while you are home or away! a key component of caring for aquatic animals is regularly providing them with...
View full product detailsR 355.00
Replacement Quartz Sleeve Tubes for your UV sterilizer/clarifier. Marine tanks require UV clarifiers with Quartz Sleeve
View full product detailsR 1,800.00
An aquarium with clear water is an attractive feature, which brings many hours of enjoyment and relaxation. A green, algae infested aquarium is unappealing to...
View full product detailsR 395.00
Replacement UV Tube Kills 99% of bacteria, virus, and protozoan cysts. Perfect solution to purifying well water and other problem water sources containing excessive microorganisms...
View full product detailsR 1,610.00
UV Pond Clarifier 15 Watt 12,000 litre pond, 60 litre per minute flow rate. Control free floating single cell algae and sterilizes the pond water...
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Monday to Thursday : 09h00 - 17h30
Friday : 09h00 - 16h00
Saturday : 09h00 - 13h30
Sunday : 10h00 - 13h00
Public Holidays : 09h00 - 13h00