UV-Pond Sterilizers

Ultra Zap

UV Pond Clarifier 15 Watt 12,000 litre pond, 60 litre per minute flow rate.

Control free floating single cell algae and sterilizes the pond water with no side effects to your fish, plants or wild life
A pond with clear water is an attractive feature in your garden, which brings many hours of enjoyment and relaxation. A green pond is unappealing to look at and is difficult to determine whether your fish are diseased or if they have damaged themselves. Algae also pose a threat to your fish as it starves them of essential oxygen they require.

How it works.
An Ultra Zap UV Sterilizer will maintain a clear pond throughout the year without the use of chemicals. The unit works by exposing the phototrophic micro-organisms (free floating single celled algae) to a dose of UV radiation. This destroys and prevents the regrowth of the phototropic micro-organisms.

Safe to use.
Ultra Zap UV units have no side effects on the inhabitants of your pond or environment. If algaecides are used, you have the risk of over-treatment and/or residual chemical build up in your pond. The inhabitants, fish and plants, of your pond are to some degree sensitive to algaecides. With the use of an Ultra Zap unit you stand no risk of this.

Choice of unit.
There are four units available, 8 Watt, 15 watt, 30 watt and 55 watt. The table below provides a guide to which UV unit your pond will require. The use of a quartz sleeve is often recommended with the use of UV units, but for the reduction of algae it is not necessary. Therefore the Ultra Zap Pond unit does not incorporate a quartz sleeve.
UV-C (315-400nm) is often referred to as germicidal wavelength, because of its ability to destroy micro-organisms. The tubes in all of our UV sterilisers emit a wide range of ultraviolet with its most significant part at a wavelength of 253.7nm, which has been found to be the most efficient for germicidal action.

15 Watt UV, pond cap. 12000 litre at a flow rate of maximum 60 litre per minute


Collections: Koi

Category: Equipment, Koi, UV

Type: Equipment